Replaces the 2d scenery sprites with 3d models in Marathon 1
Note: works best in shader mode.
Make sure bloom is turned off!
Obviously some errors can't be avoided, but I have done my best to smooth over as many bumps as possible.
-Replaced the escape pod model with a much better one
-Changed the pfhor egg to be more like the original (an egg)
Back when items were strictly 2D sprites, there was little reason to care about their facing angle. We now have plugins that replace items with 3D models, yet in nearly all existing maps all weapons and ammo face the same direction.
This plugin addresses this cosmetic oddity by making all items slowly rotate (yaw), as seen in other shooters like Quake and Unreal. The 2D sprites were easy to identify because you could see them in profile from any angle. This animation restores that property, and the movement also makes them stand out more. Unfortunately, because the script physically manipulates the items in the environment, it's only expected to work in single player.
I've been using this for myself ever since thedoctor45 released his excellent 3D items plugin in February 2012. However, it's very simple and should work with any 3D items, for any scenario. Anyone making a "3D items" or similar plugin is welcome to bundle this into their work; one look at the lua and you'll see how simple the effect is to create.
Working on 3D models for Aleph One? Having trouble with lighting? This plugin lets you visualize the in-game normals, so you can get your objects looking their best. Use with the Shader renderer.
Updated documentation only.
This plugin will replace all of the standard Infinity weapon items, ammo boxes and powerups with proper 3D equivalents. A demo map featuring all of the new models has been included.
v1.3 (final release):