In this scenario shell from NEFX, play an overhead map-only game where you have to collect as many items as possible in a limited time while navigating various color-marked liquid tides.
Update log:
[2024-08-21] A new map has been added, "NEFX - Bound to a White Elephant Won By a Wish on a Monkey's Paw". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided link.
[2024-05-23] A new map has been added, "Tracker of the Revolutionary Gridsystem". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided link.
[2024-08-21] A new Colorwash map has been added, "NEFX - Bound to a White Elephant Won By a Wish on a Monkey's Paw". This can be downloaded separately from the scenario shell itself at the provided Internet Archive link.
This script makes it possible to leave annotations on the overhead map. This can be useful for exploration or for reminders about ammo caches, switches to flip, etc.
There is theoretical support for co-op games, but this has not been tested extensively. Scenarios that make heavy use of Lua such as Eternal and Where Monsters Are In Dreams might not work nicely with the Annotations script.
Along with the included Readme file, you can watch a tutorial video here.
First version. Persistent annotations, presets, and custom strings.