
Tagged 'Myth'

Screenshot titled ""

In this latest NEFX shell to be added to map-wise over time, you accidentally teleport into a messy, long-abandoned, and now-infested storage complex run by an AI who has gotten imaginative in isolation but who is thwarted in progress and needs someone to retrieve missing keys amidst a great mess in order to both grow unabated and help you escape. All maps in this scenario shall be Retrieval missions. News feed:

2024-07-13: I added a new map, "NEFX - Patternize to Reify Slyly". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.

2024-07-10: I added a new map, "NEFX - Through Amorphous Slime and Markings". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.

2024-07-06: I added a new map, "NEFX - In the Cocoon of Non Grata". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.

Notes for version 2024-07-13:

I added a new map, "NEFX - Patternize to Reify Slyly". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.

6,405 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots