
Tagged 'Extermination'

This fixes the issues from the original 2019 upload, meaning it doesn't have anyone else's plugin or any version of Aleph One in it. This was a joke made in response to Meerjel01's proposed scenario Marathon: Green. It's an extermination level, so return to the starting platform after killing everything. In the meantime, deal with all the green.

Notes for version 2:

Doesn't have anyone else's plugin or any earlier version of Aleph One in it. I used a custom texture to create the green this time, and it's easier and better to navigate this way anyway.

992 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

NEFX is proud to present the first ever custom-made map for Pathways Into Darkness...Or at least Marathon: Pathways Into Darkness. This is an extermination level, so return to your starting platform to exit after killing everything.

This level is highly action-oriented and full of edifying trials and variety like never before experienced in the game.

1,923 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 1.0 rating