
Tagged 'Difficult'

Screenshot titled "NEFX - "Non-Linear Transfigurative Climbs""

In this latest NEFX shell to be added to map-wise over time, you accidentally teleport into a messy, long-abandoned, and now-infested storage complex run by an AI who has gotten imaginative in isolation but who is thwarted in progress and needs someone to retrieve missing keys amidst a great mess in order to both grow unabated and help you escape. All maps in this scenario shall be Retrieval missions. News feed:

2024-07-13: I added a new map, "NEFX - Patternize to Reify Slyly". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.

2024-07-10: I added a new map, "NEFX - Through Amorphous Slime and Markings". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.

2024-07-06: I added a new map, "NEFX - In the Cocoon of Non Grata". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.

Notes for version 2024-07-13:

I added a new map, "NEFX - Patternize to Reify Slyly". You can download it and other maps either individually or together at the provided link.

6,999 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

An entire soundtracked 50-level pack by NEFX for the 1998 Marathon-engine-based game Wheels! by RJ Cooper. Much thanks to the original Wheels! creators and to W'rkncacnter/Douchetower for help with the bundling. To play:

  1. Copy the Wheels! files into the directory.

  2. Open the graphics/shapes file in ShapeFusion and apply the contained shapes patch to it.

  3. Put Aleph One in the directory and launch it.

  4. Stop.

  5. Bend.

  6. Lean.

  7. Kiss ass goodbye.

882 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 5.0 rating