
Tagged 'Demo'

Screenshot titled "Arrival"

Exactly like Hopper's Marathon Classic HUD, except the full version HUD graphics are replaced with those found in the Marathon Demo v0.0.

For players who want to go truly retro. Enjoy!

Notes for version 1.0:

1.0 Initial Release

1.1 [Reverted] The main HUD image I pasted from Rezilla wasn't color-accurate. Corrected.

I should stop trying to fix things. It looked terrible in-game. Reverted. :\

2,719 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled "Full Game --- Preview"

This plugin replaces some textures with those found in the Marathon 2 Preview.

The Marathon 2 Preview was released before the Marathon 2 Demo, and contains different textures, weapons and sprites than in the full game, and in some cases, the demo.

I highly recommend that you use Marathon 2 Textures with this plugin. Aleph One 1.0 also recommended.

-- Special Thanks to Hopper for converting the M2 Preview Shapes to Aleph One Format

For more info on the M2 Preview, check out the Marathon Story Page:

Check out Hopper's converted M2 Preview Shapes on the Pfhorums:

Any questions or comments? You can contact me on the Pfhorums.

Notes for version 2.2:

v2.1 to 2.2

  • Ugh, texture 010 was incorrectly named after the Preview, in which it was bitmap 23. Corrected.

v2.0 to 2.1

  • I'd forgotten to convert the new textures to DDS format. They should work properly now.

v1.0 to v2.0 - Completely replaced all bitmaps, using Hopper's converted M2 Preview Shapes (The screenshot method was worth it :))

  • Added textures 002, 003, 027, and 029

2,848 downloads, 0 reviews, 4 screenshots

Screenshot titled ""

These Sounds files were third-party replacements for the original M1.

The original files were created by The Legendary Frank. I have converted them to Aleph One format for use with M1A1.

The first one is the latest version. The second was included with the M1 Demo v0.0 on my old Mac Cube. Also included are the original M1 files.

Simply place this folder within your scenario folder or Aleph One directory, select either file in your Environment Preferences, Begin New Game, strap in and brace for impact! Enjoy!

From the manual for the latest version, written by The Legendary Frank:

"Enclosed is a file called HardCoreSounds. It's an alternate sound file for Marathon 1 that, once you change it's name to Sounds and start up Marathon will rip your ears off and give you a week long nose bleed. (Well hopefully not -- I don't need to get sued.) But, sufice to say, this is THE sound file to turn Marathon 1 into non stop extravganza of butchery and carnage the the game is supposed to be. So, turn off the lights, strap on some headphones and then try to stop your knees from knocking as you go 'Damn! That'll hurt bad!'

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use if you can't stand cuss words, loud noises, or anything that would offend normal people. These sounds ain't PC or nice. No Cub Scouts or PTA moms.

Any flak, jizz or miscellaneous comments can be sent to:

Enjoy, kiddies,


2,974 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Marathon: Victum Demo Demo Beta v1

IonicPaul on 09/13/2008

Screenshot titled "Low orbit"

This is the Marathon Victum Demo. Only the maps and shapes file are included. This is compatible with the hi-res shots, WEP pack and partially with the texture enhancement pack.

Because Victum uses Marathon 2's Water, Sewage, Lava, and Pfhor texture sets as well as the Marathon Infinity Jjaro set, it would not be logical to simply add the M2 or Marathon Infinity enhancement packs because they would make the game look wrong. What you need to do is get both the Infinity and Durandal enhancement packs, then use the Marathon infinity texture script and folders, but then copy over the four Marathon 2 sets in the marathon infinity texture folder, so the folder will be like so:

-Jjaro hi-res set -M2 water hi-res -M2 sewage hi-res -M2 pfhor hi-res -M2 lava hi-res -Marathon Infinity hi-res script

Backstory: Marathon Infinity was a dream of sorts, and Marathon 2 has just ended. You awake aboard a human-built ship.

It's sweet and simple because it will be explained in the first level.

Known bugs: The third level has no ambient or random sounds.

Report bugs to

Notes for version Demo Beta v1:

Known bugs: The third level has no ambient or random sounds.

3,514 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 3.0 rating