
Tagged 'Clique'

Screenshot titled "raylabs stamp of approval"

This is the original READ ME!!!!!!!!!!!!11 for RKYOKOTK's CARNAGE VILA 46!


Notes for version fine:


4,328 downloads, 15 reviews, 2 screenshots, 2.8 rating

Monster Mash v1

thermoplyae on 05/24/2021

Screenshot titled ""

Requires Aleph One >= v1.4.1.

I was working in the lab, late one night

When my eyes beheld an eerie sight

For my monster from his slab, began to rise

And suddenly to my surprise

(He did the mash) he did the monster mash

(The monster mash) it was a graveyard smash

(He did the mash) it caught on in a flash

(He did the mash) he did the monster mash

1,415 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Underworld 666a9bed

irons on 09/01/2008

Screenshot titled "Faxed Invitation to Oblivion With Bells"

My only good map pack.

Notes for version 666a9bed:

So Underworld isn't totally dead yet. I do make levels occasionally, and I've added two to this version: Parc and The Multiplex.

Parc was formerly known as Pillow, and has seen a few small-but-helpful improvements since its original appearance on Pfhorums. The Multiplex was my contest map for Ryoko's 2008 Summer mapmaking contest; it didn't even get into the Victory Dance VI pack, so I thought I'd release it here for posterity.

3,451 downloads, 2 reviews, 4 screenshots, 5.0 rating