
Tagged 'Chill'

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Narrow Mountain Path is a weaponless platforming map combining tricks that let the player climb stairs higher than .33 WU and regular fast precision platforming. If a player gains a bit of height off the ground they can put their feet within .33 WU of a higher ledge and climb it, again giving them extra height they can use to climb subsequent steps. Using air control you can also steer off and onto a ledge so that you gain a height boost as if you were climbing a step which makes longer than normal horizontal jumps possible.

Despite the special trick emphasis I've tried to make this a flowy fun map to play through without falling or speedrun. Included in this download is a speedrun film and a film showing some more beginner friendly routes. A second version of the map with 3x health and an AR can be reached with level skip for more speedrun fun.

Straferunning is required to beat this map. To strafe run, press your forward + left or right strafe key to move faster at a slight diagonal.

1,501 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot