Dave demo

by Destiny

Uploaded Aug 6th, 2010 for Marathon


This'll be my first thing ever posted online. 9 level demo no pictures yet or chapter art. All made with old Marathon tools. Please rate and comment and tell me what else should be in it. btw this is for M1A1 for people who don't want their computers to crash!

Version v0.2

Fixes some errors. Adds enforcers to alien level. Addes a 9th level.

  • Tags: netmaps solocoop
  • 2,503 downloads of latest version
  • 2.1 rating ( 1.82 weighted for sorting )

8 Reviews

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.


Adminn_1 on Nov 22nd, 2017, Version v0.2

It'd be great if I could get a job in my field soon. Instead I have to look at this.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Special to your heart

RAITHE on Sep 19th, 2010, Version v0.2

Quality doesn't matter, Every file that is or isn't uploaded is speical to that creators heart!

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Average...Even in 1995

M1 Map Dude on Sep 9th, 2010, Version v0.2

A fine effort, but the demo is average. And yes, average for 1995 or 2010. I've been doing a fair amount of work with M1 of late, and am continually surprised by some of the early tricks, design excellence, and innovation of these early cartographers. Randall Shaw, for example. Or Daniel Loebl. This demo doesn't even come close to some of those 1995 early works, so let's not diss all the Old School M1 mapmakers as being "so yesterday".

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.


Dugit on Aug 7th, 2010, Version v0.2

Very, very classic architecture and battles. I would've given it a five in 1995, but this is 2010. Sorry there.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Still more

RyokoTK on Aug 5th, 2010, Version v0.1

It's not Tim's fault this entire upload sucks.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

More critique

RAITHE on Aug 4th, 2010, Version v0.1

For Christ's sake, Timothy, is it that hard to download it?

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.


timothy on Aug 3rd, 2010, Version v0.1

For christ's sake, is it really so hard to include a couple of pictures?

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Not particularly fun...

DADDY Z3RO on Aug 2nd, 2010, Version v0.1

Your scenario had a number of major flaws that lead to it's downfall, example one being the ceiling heights, they are all locked at one height, the lighting, it's dull and needs more shading, texturing is repetitive and enemy placement-ammo ratio is pretty god awful, i mean, on the first level, we are forced to fight off several fighters with fists.

You need to try and improve, and I admire you for using M1A1, and you even figured out how to make terminals, which I still don't know how to properly make.

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