
Newest Reviews

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

nice creativity! Ein Heldenleben

xXDelphiXx on Oct 30th, 2008, Version 1.0

Im not going to repeat the flaws the have said, but I do like it!

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Werefrog is not in this pack. Don't download it. Ein Heldenleben

RyokoTK on Oct 29th, 2008, Version 1.0

These are good maps and the pack is a promising start. While none of them are especially strong, they are fun and enjoyable maps with no noticeable flaws. I would happily play on any of them, but I probably wouldn't specifically request any of them.

The concept is interesting and, from what I remember of the source material, the adaptations are generally good. Treellama does a good job of balancing faithfulness to the original map while making the necessary adaptions when stepping down to a simpler engine.

Aesthetically, these maps are the best TL has to offer. Egyptian Temple looks great for what it is; this map is a shining example of how differential shading is absolutely necessary when the texturing is simpler. Velora Pass's texturing is horrible -- the obvious byproduct of the two sets used together -- but architecturally the map is ooverflowing with small details that really contribute to a good overall aesthetic, and the lighting is exceptional. Zora's Domain is a good mesh of good texturing and good architecture, and is an unusually vertically-oriented map for the arboreal camelid.

Overall, a good pack, but one that needs to find one or two real winners.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Doesn't quite live up to Popems Ein Heldenleben

$lave on Oct 28th, 2008, Version 1.0

Although this is by no means a bad pack, it doesn't quite live up to the standards Treellama set with his previous pack, Popems. These are by no means bad maps, but where Popems is full of fun, impressive maps, this pack falls short.

I have always liked Zora's Domain a lot, and I like Velora Pass (with the exception of some of the texturing), but I was not very impressed by Egyptian Temple. Although Egytian Temple has some good cover due to the pillars making the bullet-based gameplay interesting, the map quickly started to feel bland and repetitive to me, a downfall of the Egyptian style and look.

That put aside, I'm interested to see what comes of this pack, and I certainly think it has the potential to reach (if not top) the status of Popems with a bit more consistency quality wise.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Room for improvement Power Drive

Iritscen on Oct 23rd, 2008, Version 1.1.0

That being said, I really like what is being done here. I can't give it a higher score because of three main reasons:

  • The maps are supposed to encourage the use of all weapons more evenly, but there are no pistols in some levels. This particularly irks me more than it may irk others because the pistol is Marathon's defining "marksman's weapon" in lieu of a sniper rifle-type weapon, and I really want to see marksmanship encouraged a bit more. The pistol is quite viable if we can pick up a second one, otherwise it simply will be overlooked as it always was.

  • I feel pretty strongly about the SMG being left the way it was. It was already a power weapon in my opinion -- getting "kept on the beam" by an opponent for most of a clip meant certain doom, and a clip lasts, what, a second? So I don't think it needed an upgrade in any way.

  • Too many alien weapons on the maps! Turn some into pistols, please. The increased power of the alien weapon becomes overbearing when there are so many on the map, and tilts overall gunplay in the direction of more blunderbussing and blind short-range charging (moving away from rewarding careful aiming), since that is what works for this weapon -- and I feel that is a direction things don't need to go in any further.

Every other change to the weapons is very well thought-out and I look forward to hosting these maps, with the exception of Persepolis, which for some reason rubs me the wrong way. I wish I could put my finger on it and be helpful, but I can't, sorry. All I can say is that the structure confuses the eye greatly, and the upper and outer areas don't seem used at all (perhaps connected to the location of spawn points, just throwing that out there as a thought).

All the other maps are nice, and stand out from most maps -- to me anyway -- in the amount of cover they provide, which is something I feel is often overlooked in map design.

Sorry if my score seems low, but I really want to leave room for scoring revised versions higher, since I see that room for improvement. Consider the actual score a 3.5.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

What changed? Munitions Disposal.lua

Iritscen on Oct 23rd, 2008, Version 1.1

I actually did not see a difference in play when using this script.

Reference is made to "Never stop firing" as if I needed that advice... that is how I have been playing for years, so i don't know what this script is supposed to do for me.

"Fire weapons to gain points"? Again, this seems to be a tip directed at novices. Perhaps new Marathon players will benefit from this more than seasoned pros like myself.

Oh well, it didn't make things worse, so it gets a 5.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Well I'm giving it a 5. Munitions Disposal.lua

RyokoTK on Oct 21st, 2008, Version 1.0

You guys are jerks. Ray worked very hard on this.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.


irons on Oct 21st, 2008, Version 1.0


I was Wrong. Ray Labs Knows, and so can you: Munitions are what make the world goes 'round, so let's give it up for Munitions Disposer!.lua

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Robert Munitions Disposal.lua

W'rkncacnter on Oct 21st, 2008, Version 1.0

MapDamager no longer has the monopoly on fun!

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

:( Munitions Disposal.lua

timothy on Oct 21st, 2008, Version 1.0


  • Currently 3/5 Stars.


W'rkncacnter on Oct 17th, 2008, Version 2.0

Guys, don't post a review if you have a question about how to use the file. These reviews are completely serious and should not be abused.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Not bad chinkeeyong Physics

timothy on Oct 17th, 2008, Version 1.0.0

A little unbalanced, but these were fun for a run through KTA2. Good co-op potential.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

HOw do i make this work? CARNAGE VILA 46! README

BOB on Oct 17th, 2008, Version 2.0

I dont get it- i downloaded it- now what?its just a file. please help. P.S. I'm on windows

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

the pfhorums are down MapDamager Lua

$lave on Oct 15th, 2008, Version .2 != .20

this is from irons.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Are you blind chinkeeyong? CARNAGE VILA 46! README

RyokoTK on Oct 14th, 2008, Version 2.0

It's clearly by RKYOKOTK. It says so right in the description.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.


ray on Oct 14th, 2008, Version 2.0

This is from RKYOKOTK, not RyokoTK.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

fail MapDamager Lua

chinkeeyong on Oct 14th, 2008, Version .2 != .20

You're right guys, this deserves another 1!

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.


chinkeeyong on Oct 14th, 2008, Version 2.0

This is from irons.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Don't use this! MapDamager Lua

$lave on Oct 13th, 2008, Version .2 != .20

You'd never guess, there was a fish in mine!

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Well worth the download Power Drive

$lave on Oct 13th, 2008, Version 1.0.0

As expected, Ryoko has come out with yet another solid pack. Although small, these levels are quite fun, and the merged physics are an extra bonus. The physics don't change enough to deteriorate gameplay at all, but work quite well with the maps they are paired with. Although these are overall not Ryoko's most impressive maps, I still recommend that any host downloads this small pack.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

A must have. Visual Mode

windbreaker on Oct 12th, 2008, Version 2.0.2

With the added ability of texturing unpaved surfaces, this script makes Forge's visual mode obsolete. The script is extremely easy to learn, and, in my opinion, beats Forge's VM in terms of how it operates. Unlike Forge's VM, you can use textures from all sets easily, you can "freeze" in the air to texture hard-to-reach places, and you don't have to deal with too many lines overloading the engine. If you're still hesitant about making the switch to this script, I assure you that it is easy to learn, and you'll be far better off in the long run.