This is my first netmap.
New in version 1.1
added platforms near shotguns
added an smg close to a player's starting position on the high ledge
added shading changed stair lighting from 100% to 0% to 100% to 50%
added some more ammo
changed speeds of platforms
changed a teleport destination
fixed a wall that had the wrong blue texture
added new texture to higher level hallway
I give this map a solid 4 because [edit here] it is clean and awesome to play in most modes.
Great platforms. Gets you up and out of the way quickly. Also, stops SPNKR-spankers from excessive spanking... allows you to use SMG and even grenades sometimes.
Please add more complexity outside the centre arena but not much is needed.
It seems that you incorporated the best parts in all the maps that you liked, and just slapped them together not so nicely. The map is okay, not one of my top, but just okay.
A big problem I see with many maps on here are either flow or ammo. Out of 5 I give you a 4 for the flow and a 4.5 for ammo.
The map does a good job having the player follow really well into other parts of the map, also ammo is always plentiful.
As far as creativity is concerned, it could've helped to have more areas in the map, lighting could've been a bit more varied. The look of the map is very bland.
I'd say you seem to have the basics down with map creation, now you can step it up from here.
I'm giving you a 4 for a nice layout, you just need a few more textures and better lighting to make it work out.
I liked your use of lighting in some areas, but the texturing was a little bland (it may just be me). Also, I noticed that in the more difficult places (centre of the arena, on the pedistles), you place fusion pistols and ammo. Why?
but you knew that it was new
i'd give this file 3, but here's -1 for the suspicious review