Experimental gametype with .lua scripting (map compatible with script enclosed). More details in readme file.
If you're stuck in the turret when you try to teleport out, try to switch back to the weapon when it goes to fists.
This script has promise. I did crash in the recharger room when I had fists up and attempted to switch weapons. And I do a lot more dying than killing, since I seem to take a lot more of a pounding than the turret. And the requisite charging of health (shields) at the start of each life is wearying.
As a fan of weird netmaps and netscripts, I'd be interested in seeing how this could be made into a net game, once the bugs are worked out.
P.S.: StuffIt Expander opens this on a Mac.
File wont decompress with 7zip. What did you use to create it?