Spawn Whiners

by treellama

Uploaded Dec 5th, 2008


Use these scripts when people whine about spawn kills.

Spawn\_Blinking.lua: players blink for 10 seconds after spawning, or until they get a weapon, so you know who (not) to kill

Spawn\_Invincible.lua: players are invincible for 10 seconds after spawning, or until they get a weapon

Spawn\_With\_AR.lua: everyone spawns with an AR and some ammo

Version 1.0

  • Tags: script lua fun robert
  • 2,372 downloads of latest version
  • 3.0 rating ( 3.05 weighted for sorting )

1 Review

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

A solid step, but in the wrong direction

ray on Dec 5th, 2008, Version 1.0

While the technical merit of these scripts is unquestionable, I speak for all of us here at Ray Laboratories when I question treellama's stance against spawn killing. Spawn killing is a time-honored tradition of Marathon, and it's a shame that concessions such as this are being made to the rabid anti-spawn-killing partisans. Look to Ray Laboratories in the near future for some forward-looking action on the spawn killing dilemma.

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