• Currently 2/5 Stars.

What changed?

Iritscen on Oct 23rd, 2008, Version 1.1

I actually did not see a difference in play when using this script.

Reference is made to "Never stop firing" as if I needed that advice... that is how I have been playing for years, so i don't know what this script is supposed to do for me.

"Fire weapons to gain points"? Again, this seems to be a tip directed at novices. Perhaps new Marathon players will benefit from this more than seasoned pros like myself.

Oh well, it didn't make things worse, so it gets a 5.

Munitions Disposal.lua

ray on 10/23/2008

Finally, the new gametype craze taking the metaserver by storm is released!

MUNITIONS DISPOSAL, the latest gametype out of Ray Laboratories, is as simple as it is fun: fire weapons to gain points. Gives a new meaning to "Never Stop Firing"!

2,811 downloads, 7 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.4 rating