Kimblee- Physics

by AttilaGeek

Uploaded Mar 22nd, 2011 for Marathon Infinity


Physics model, the last of many I've made. Here are the changes: --Pistol: No change (although a little buggy with the shapes) --shotgun: Now shoots flame rounds --Fusion: bolts look different, but function basically the same. --AR: shoots orange drone bolts, grenades bounce and have bigger, blue explosions. --SMG: shoots persistent/virulent bolts that act like grenades. Looks really cool, my favorite weapon. --Flamer: shoots a beam of fire that looks like the alien weapon from M2/Inf. --Rocket: Wave Motion Cannon. Persistent and virulent, looks like a giant fusion bolt and has a huge blast radius.

Also comes with Kimblee_Shapes, the shapes file needed to run it properly, otherwise you'll just get wierdly colored sprites.

Version 1.15

Versions 1-14 i kept to myself, but it is still a work in progress and as such any suggestions are welcome. I have some older physics models i made, and if anyone wants them i will upload those too.

  • Tags: utility physics shapes
  • 2,334 downloads of latest version
  • 1.0 rating ( 0.70 weighted for sorting )

2 Reviews

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

uh oh

DADDY Z3RO on Mar 22nd, 2011, Version 1.15

If you don't wanna die around here, keep these things in net games to yourself and the players.


  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

My Suggestion

Dis on Mar 22nd, 2011, Version 1.15

Don't make or upload physics models.

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