• Currently 2/5 Stars.

not ready for prime time

treellama on Nov 10th, 2008, Version 0.5

Most of these maps have some serious flaws; Rinse the Valve is about the only playable one, and even it isn't very good.

Texturing and lighting are OK, but everything else is pretty bad. Flow suffers from dead ends, bouncy walls. Player spawn placement is horrendous; there aren't enough of them, they're in bad places, and at least one is in mid-air. One is a few feet from the hill, directly visible.

Weapon placement is equally bad, it seems like weapons were just placed randomly. Weapon balance is also lacking (one map has only one SPNKR, which is easily guarded).

I would wait till the next revision before downloading these, they're not ready yet.

Clairvoyant Disease

CryoS on 11/09/2008

This is my first officially released map pack, named Clairvoyant Desease. It contains my 4 best netmaps. 1: Unholy Voyage 2: Rinse The Valve 3: Silver Sanctum 4: M.I.A all maps are KTMWTB, KOTH and EMFH compatable.

2,694 downloads, 3 reviews, 4 screenshots, 2.0 rating