• Currently 3/5 Stars.

It's (a) wonderful (life)

timothy on Dec 21st, 2010, Version 1.0

Overall, Cesspi looks like a great collection of maps. The snow effect is supper effective. Spiroche7e is clearly the standout map. Everything is done in a beautiful minimalist style reminiscent of the original Marathon architexture. You can clearly see the evolution from earlier works like Werefrog evident in these new maps.


treellama on 12/21/2010

Cesspi7 is a pack of 7 net maps. Each consists of 77 polygons and is textured using only 7 different textures. They contain no right angles, and no lifts (except for Spiroche7e). Each was tested to run well on a G4/1000 MHz.

Maps: + Cesspi7 + Peyo7e + Bi7umen + Arc7ic + Spiroche7e + Depo7 + SPEC7RUM

2,923 downloads, 4 reviews, 7 screenshots, 4.0 rating