• Currently 5/5 Stars.


M1 Map Dude on Sep 4th, 2010, Version

Love to see things like this, even if sometimes crude. Thanks for the effort in placing it here. Personally, I like to use the "spnkrghol" 3D S'pht'Kr in my standard folder 100% of the time. In fact, I haven't seen the regular S'pht'Kr in years!

3D Examples Pack

treellama on 09/03/2010

A zip file version of the old 3D Examples from the early days of Aleph One. Includes a plugin containing 3D models of columns and lights, and two maps for trying it out. Files originally created by "binhqx", and still available in .sit form here

2,791 downloads, 5 reviews, 2 screenshots, 4.2 rating