
2 Submissions

These are plenty of physics I made using Hakvil 1.03 on my own time. These physics are made for Infinity, but if you try and use them on Durandal, it works too (I think). I took the time to make the mods more authentic, editing gun sounds as well.

Lazer Tag: Weapons mod.

Overpowered: Aliens are very strong/Weapons Mod.

Piercing explosives: Weapons mod.

Pretty Colors: Color mod (makes for a neat look?).

Quickdraw!: All weapons draw faster.

Super Punch: Fists have foward and backward recoil, 4000 damage w/ 400 random damage.

WTF?!?: Nuff said.

In the Player Physics folder: Feeling Doom?: Weapons have a side bob reminisant to how weapons in the Doom series moved.

Flying High: Typical flying physics (walking allows you to fly). Punches have foward and backward recoil to get you in flight.

Impervious: The player is invulnerable to any damage. Great for checking things on a newly built map?

Sonic Speed: You move twice as fast.

There are three? (I think) which will cause the game to crash...: - Overpowered - Piercing Explosives - WTF?!?


2,424 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Okay so I've been messing with Anvil and come up with a few things

Fly by physics: Use with fly by wire LUA by Timothy.

Melee: You've been injected with roids, turning you into a lean green fighting machine. Your left hook is extra powerful, lunges, and is filled with roid rage. Also, the flamer has been reconfigured into a chainsaw.

2,389 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

5 Reviews

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Looks good/Ray STFU Stairs

seanyx-chris on Aug 16th, 2009, Version 0.8

As for the map, it's pretty decent. Small but simple. Sometimes you run into dead ends if you don't know where your going, which sometimes can abruptly kill the flow. I'm no expert or anything with mapping, but from what I see, it isn't great (yet) but there's nothing either to really complain about. The final decision will come in time as you do more with it.

Okay Ray, I've personally had it with your bullshit. All you do is troll Simplici7y and post stupid shit that wastes everyone's time. Go play halo like the rest of the spazeroids (but then again, you'd call it Marathon 4).

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Splendid! Custom Load Screen for Aleph

seanyx-chris on Aug 14th, 2009, Version 1.1

It really accents the character and adds to the overall experience of the game (Best for M1 though).

If you could design loading screens just like this for M2/Inf then that'd be awesome (though you likely wouldn't have to work hard on that. They look graphically identical).

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

>_> Marathon: Repercussions of Evil Netmaps

seanyx-chris on Jul 29th, 2009, Version Munitions Disposal is a great Lua script! You can find it on this website.

The last one was so bad, I felt I just had to waste another minute on this.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Wow... Marathon: Repercussions of Evil

seanyx-chris on Jul 29th, 2009, Version fix (\\f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n-1))

I want those two minutes of my life back.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Very Promising Marathon : Freedom (OSX)

seanyx-chris on Apr 4th, 2009, Version .36

I've played all levels extensively, and from what I've played and seen in game, it's looking very bright, and I can't wait for new content. I thank you for making this little gem.

Now I noticed something in the first level, that you can do to actually go out of the map bounds. On the lockers you can actually walk on top of them (because they're at an angle, and I guess characters can walk on slants). You can actually walk outside of the map, and you can't get back in. Running away from the level only gets you inevitably stuck.

I haven't really noticed any other oddities other than that. The other levels are quite solid and I like how you've made the game have a lot of freedom (hence it's name I bet) on the customizable options. You've even gone off and included weapons from custom scenarios (such as the Snyper pistol from EMR).

I love what you've done, and I'm going to keep loving what you do with this. I can't wait to see the final product.