
2 Submissions

Screenshot titled ""

This is a modification of Hopper's XBLA HUD for Marathon 2 and Infinity, this time designed for Eternal X.

Notes for version 1.0.1:

Fusion pistols are rotated correctly and look better.

3,014 downloads, 1 review, 5 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a modification of Hopper's amazing XBLA HUD for Marathon 2 and Infinity, this time designed for Marathon Phoenix.

Note: Secret skull information is displayed when you take out your fists.

Notes for version 1.0:

Initial release. Includes support for secret skulls and keycards.

3,490 downloads, 2 reviews, 5 screenshots, 4.0 rating

4 Reviews

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

Funky but not fun Avoidence

fiddler_on_a_roof on Apr 26th, 2013, Version 1.00001

Somewhat interesting idea. But once I finally figured out what to do, it wasn't that fun. In the end, most people just like to find interesting ways to blow up aliens and each other.

It would help greatly if you would recommend to turn off the XBLA interface plugin, because you have no weapons and therefore no crosshairs.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Reasonable effort HD M1A1 Weapons in Hand (Beta version)

fiddler_on_a_roof on Apr 5th, 2013, Version 1.0

HD weapons for M1A1 have been worked on several times at the Pfhorums, but never completed, so good job at least completing a first iteration.

Some of the weapon graphics are too big and cover up the player's view, especially the napalm and the alien weapon. The pistols are too light of a shade of gray.

I would recommend opening a thread on the Pfhorums in the Projects section. It is a much better place to get feedback. When things are polished up, update this entry on Simplic7y.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Loads of fun Marathon Phoenix

fiddler_on_a_roof on Jan 31st, 2013, Version 1.2.1

Too late to be reviewing this thing, but I did want to say that this is the most kickass scenario out there. The maps are beautiful and immensely complicated, but at the same time, I found it easy to move from place to place and complete the objectives.

The combat really shines here. There are hordes of powerful enemies, but the arsenal is far more powerful (and more satisfying) than the standard Infinity weapons. There is always enough ammo, and usually enough maneuvering room, health, and saves to slaughter the hordes without being too frustrated. I've been more frustrated with other scenarios with far fewer and less powerful enemies.

Also, a great scenario to increase your skills in solo play. I first played it through several months ago on Normal. I'm now in the middle of a playthrough in TC, and it's even more fun than before.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Helps one to suck less Retreat Syndrome

fiddler_on_a_roof on Dec 17th, 2012, Version 1.0

This is as much a review of Survival.lua (I presume this is what you're supposed to use with this map) as it is this map.

It's reasonable fun even if you play this solo on TC. Because of the huge amounts of regenerating ammo, it encourages one to experiment with different weapons and techniques. I've used it to try to get better at using the SMG and shotguns, with some amounts of success. But I still suck to some degree.

Only thing I would recommend is more SMG ammo.