• Currently 5/5 Stars.


iamanidiot123 on Mar 29th, 2011, Version 1.0

It actually works this time... Just don't fake the "Write a review" button (I kept reviewing "My pants are on fire", which i didn't like very much...) TIP: it's written in c# and the zip inside the zip is supposed to be in .tar format, .tar.gz , or .tar.bz2

Due to high demand, I'm releasing the source code for the VISUAL MODE weland plugin.

Simply unzip (thanks Simplici7y for making this step necessary) uudecode the resulting VISUALMODE.zip, untar the contents, and follow the included instructions.

503825 downloads, 20385 reviews, 1 screenshot, Rating: 102.3 ( BEST EVER weighted )

<pre><code> Write a review | Tags: fun rms source visualmode </code></pre>

2,547 downloads, 5 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating