Victory Dance III

by RyokoTK

Uploaded Jun 2nd, 2007 for Marathon Infinity


This is the resulting netpack of the third Netmap-making contest. The top seven mappers out of a total group of nine made it into this pack, which I can easily say is the best Victory Dance pack so far.

The winners include screamingfool, Treellama, and irons, though the pack has 7 maps from 7 different mappers in all.

Version 1.0

  • Tags: netmaps emfh koth ktmwtb
  • 2,980 downloads of latest version
  • 4.5 rating ( 4.90 weighted for sorting )

2 Reviews

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

A great snapshot

irons on Jun 3rd, 2007, Version 1.0

We never expected such a great contest. The Marathon community really showed what it can do with the seven winners in this pack. While the top four maps can be found elsewhere, Victory Dance III is still an excellent contest compilation. I can't wait for V.D. IV!

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

A great snapshot

irons on Jun 2nd, 2007, Version 1.0

We never expected such a great contest. The Marathon community really showed what it can do with the seven winners in this pack. While the top four maps can be found elsewhere, Victory Dance III is still an excellent contest compilation. I can't wait for V.D. IV!

1 Screenshot