Two Pfhor One

by Schwa

Uploaded Mar 29th, 2011 for Marathon Infinity


After getting advice from fellow mappers, I made 2 maps. These......are those maps.

Will update upon request

Update: Update will be released as soon as possible (School Related Circumstances) << the thread the advice came from.

Version Unofficial .8

Fixed ammo placement, lighting and added areas for both maps.

New maps in next release.

  • Tags: netmaps emfh tbcr
  • 2,087 downloads of latest version
  • 3.0 rating ( 3.05 weighted for sorting )

1 Review

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Almost Perfect

timothy on Mar 14th, 2011, Version Unofficial .5

These screenshots were surprisingly good. They are properly cropped, the HUD is hidden, and I can't even fault the lack of anti-aliasing because you are obviously using software rendering. There are even labels under each picture. The only small problem I can find is that you did not hide the weapon from view, but because it is not obvious how to disable this I can't deduct too many points from your score.

In fact, I guess I must concede that they're basically perfect, which makes it such a shame that your subject is such a bland, generic set of maps. The lack of recent maps, and high quality and level of detail in the awful Deeze Maps must have shifted my overton window of acceptable maps because I had forgotten just how bad maps could be. Thank you for the reminder, and keep up the good work. With several years of practice you'll be turning out quality maps in no time.

3 Screenshots

The Big Room (FB)

Screenshot titled "The Big Room (FB)"

The Pool

Screenshot titled "The Pool"


Screenshot titled "SHELVES!! :D"