• Currently 2/5 Stars.

Nice, but Missing Something

timothy on Jul 5th, 2011, Version 1.1

I can't put my finger on it but there just seems to be something missing.

Try texturing that white column on the right side of the page with some screenshots and I'll review this again.


Noticed a pattern with @Dis, it seems almost all his reviews are one star. Don't feel bad, just ignore his comments. -at least my stuff is safe from his inane chatter.

This is my first netpack. It features a giant pillar. You start inside the pillar and stay there. Its really big and nice, with minipillars inside. I'm very sorry that I couldn't include screenshots because my network is too slow.

:::IMPORTANT NOTE::: All my projects (and all of iamanidiotbad's projects) are temporarily DEAD. Copying my projects is allowed. Thank you for your time.

3,372 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.0 rating