• Currently 5/5 Stars.

Please visit us.

Spooky on Jan 23rd, 2020, Version 1.3

We were wondering if you could shed some light on the story.


There is a channel in the server called the Coming of Mazaro. We would love it if you paid us a visit. We will be hosting coop runs of your scenario.

Spatial Outpouring is a surrealist total conversion I created since finishing Lost Lands. I had grown to feel that Lost Lands was too old and sloppy a project to represent my current abilities.

I had the idea of creating a 'psychedelic' marathon scenario with a highly otherworldly plot, and heavy use of bright colors and fractals.

I also used synthesizers to create copious sound FX and ambiences for the game, and included an original song of mine in the title screen.

I created a new monster, a new weapon, and changed a lot of the weapon functions and physics to make gameplay feel fresh.

This version has 8 levels (one of them is a secret). I may or may not find the time to finish more of the game in the future.

2,253 downloads, 5 reviews, 4 screenshots, 4.2 rating