• Currently 5/5 Stars.

What, 17 downloads and no reviews?!

RR, Zombie Master on Nov 4th, 2010, Version 1.0

Come on people!

I made it to round 16 and went down with guns blazing as they closed in... beat that!

Somethings that really helped was the 1x canisters that appeared continually in the base and the mini-base in case it get too crowded... not so helpful was the right side of the map. If I almost made it to the wall using the stone steps and fell, I either had to fight my way back to the bottom step or die... any chance you could turn one of the rocks into an elevator?

5 stars for one insane map!

Retreat Syndrome

Nibenon on 10/29/2010

Survival Map: the duece. Maybe sometime I'll release a manual so there's no whining about anything. If it's there, it's there for a reason. Good luck!

2,558 downloads, 4 reviews, 7 screenshots, 4.5 rating