• Currently 2/5 Stars.

A nightmare.

MoppyPuppy on Dec 13th, 2014, Version 1.11

I've often brainstormed a Marathon scenario where the Pfhor win and you as the player have to survive in a Pfhor dominated galaxy.

Scratch that idea, I could never top this. This scenario is a NIGHTMARE.

The textures, the imagery, the sounds, the story its all just a nightmare.

Its actually more bizarre than Pfhojeur, another nightmarish scenario. I wanted it to end so badly.

On a positive note, it is beatable. The scenario reminded me of those miscellaneous scenarios you would find on fileball that you couldn't beat because of convoluted map objectives. Not the case of this scenario, its beatable.

But that's it, playing this scenario is unpleasant.

Lost Lands is a 25 level conversion I created entirely myself.
I started working on it when I was roughly 12 years old and I now consider it finished and in reasonably playable shape now that I am 25, 13 years later. As you progress through the game, you can see my mapmaking grow gradually more complex, and the way I grew pre-occupied with experimental and surreal mapbuilding techniques.

The official soundtrack is available here -



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