It's That one place!

by AN1Guitarman

Uploaded Sep 19th, 2011 for Marathon Infinity


Large level with some architecture, not too much as to keep up the game speed. I'm not amazing at placing weapons/textures/ammo so don't hate and rate!

Version 1.0


  • Tags: netmaps emfh
  • 1,978 downloads of latest version
  • 3.5 rating ( 3.70 weighted for sorting )

2 Reviews

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

I'm diggin it

Umbra on Oct 20th, 2011, Version 1.0

The layout is pleasing and the size is just about right. Smaller groups would encounter pursuits while larger groups would default into a rocket launcher fiasco. The 2x energy pickup was a neat idea. One spot had me think it was a teleporter, but irritatingly it turned out to be nothing. This may cause a curiosity killed the cat situation during play. I encountered a platform that did not return to its normal state as quickly as the others. Finally, the central pillar has raised polygons that should be lowered some to reduce movement confusion.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.


Dugit on Sep 19th, 2011, Version 1.0

It's good to see that you're utilizing differential shading properly, although in one or two places it's still not that convincing. In terms of flow, there's no glaring problems, and there's good variation in floor/ceiling heights. We're around a classic Marathon: Infinity level map at this point.

There's something flickering that looks like a teleporter but isn't. Please fix. Also, some platforms aren't as obvious as they could be, and a few raised portions of the map (with ammo) are irritatingly just out of reach. Bad in a net game.

9 Screenshots


Screenshot titled "Overview"


Screenshot titled "Mishhall!"