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Best name for a script

Benoit on Jan 27th, 2017, Version 1.0

It's really cool to play Gunpoint instead of all time emfh. When you see in classical emfh games, everyone is using rockets launcher and dual shotguns, in Gunpoint if you wanna win you have to use "lower grade" weapons. Thanks to Gunpoint, forgotten weapons are now use again! Also you can play strategical like dealing 80% of damages to someone with a good weapon and then get the kill (so the points) by dealing the 20% remaining damages with a lower weapon. The only 2 negatives points are when someone steals your kill, it's more frustrating than in a emfh game, mainly if you wasted a lot of time damaging the guy. And also when you play with a high ping it can be really hard to use lower weapons. So yeah, Gunpoint is not for the pussies.


aquateenhgrfrce on 01/21/2017

Lower Grade weapons = More points

Weaker weapons are harder to kill with thus will grant you more points, stronger weapons are easy to kill with, therefore you will gain less points if you use them.

Many thanks to Hail, Benoit, limonene, Windbreaker, Data, and others for their help in testing and balancing the script.

Future versions may include turning off auto switch and customization.

Current Netgame point distribution:

<pre><code>• Missile = 1 points • Flamethrower = 3 points • Shotgun = 5 points • SMG = 7 points • AR Grenade = 15 points • AR Bullet = 10 points • Alien Weapon = 20 points • Fusion Bolt Minor = 20 points • Fusion Bolt Major = 15 points • Pistol = 30 Points • Running Fists = 25 points • Walking Fists = 35 Points • Standing Fists = 50 points </code></pre>

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