Forceful Anthem

by nameless

Uploaded Jul 12th, 2008 for Marathon Infinity


A Netmap that was built and almost abandoned because of lack of time , about a small - XS map.

Version 1.0.0

  • Tags: netmaps emfh
  • 2,234 downloads of latest version
  • 2.5 rating ( 2.50 weighted for sorting )

2 Reviews

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

A duel map

Umbra on Oct 21st, 2011, Version 1.0.0

This small map would cause high death counts. Probably best for a duel only. Multistory with passing texture choices and some shine. There are some texture issues, lack of ambient sound, and one platform temporarily blocks player advancement to a teleporter that should have a different destination. The sniper nook introduces an added element to strategy. Nice touch.

  • Currently 2/5 Stars.

tim on Jul 13th, 2008, Version 1.0.0

The map has couple dead ends but it's an improvement over Sewage Eviloution.

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