Uploaded Sep 5th, 2011 for Marathon Infinity


New arena-type level, not alot of wep/amo but all set at like 99% so you won't run out. Shape kept simple with a little architecture to keep ping down.

Version 1.1

Sped up elevators and Added some more architecture.

  • Tags: emfh koth ktmwtb
  • 2,154 downloads of latest version
  • 3.0 rating ( 3.05 weighted for sorting )

1 Review

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Passable. (2.5 star, really)

Dugit on Sep 6th, 2011, Version 1.1

Eh. Weapons and ammo are fine, I suppose, and there are some nice gradients here and there, but mostly, the level seems uninspired, and too M2-style old-school for my tastes. You don't need to be this careful to avoid fps slouches- it's just that your last level was so crowded.

There's no real floor height differentiation, and the little that you have is less than a single WU. The texturing is also passable. Nothing too painful, but there's nothing jawdroppingly good either.

Practice. Experiment. And then, eventually, we'll have a Marius-worthy map.

7 Screenshots