Cherry Pit

by trisroxx

Uploaded Dec 11th, 2008 for Marathon Infinity


This is my first map ever. Its Coop or a solo map. I love it so far, idk how it works under coop, so just experiment with it. The map does have glitches. The glitches have been fixed and repaired.

Version 1.1

Version 1.1 Fixes Bugs found within the Map. Releases Traps player behind invisible wall once the player has fallen into a trap

  • Tags: netmaps solocoop first
  • 2,328 downloads of latest version
  • 1.0 rating ( 0.85 weighted for sorting )

1 Review

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Bugs, bugs, bugs

timothy on Dec 9th, 2008, Version (Beta) 1.0.1

This was a lot worse than I heard, but new co-op maps are always good. Don't give up, keep trying

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