• Currently 2/5 Stars.


RAITHE on Dec 19th, 2010, Version 2.2

I didn't try it out, but I read this script and the 2.0 script, and the scripting that you implemented that wasn't from other people was pretty elementary. You had some neat ideas such as the here() and goto() functions, although you could have also used the x,y,z coordinates as well (it won't automatically use the teleport animation though, so you would have to use a screen fader). You seem to have a good understanding on how to use variables. Also, I don't remember anyone choosing Dis to be the ambassador of the A1 community. If you want to post some of your content creations you've made and you are just learning how to or want to get some advice from others before a public release, I would recommend you post it in a thread in the Pfhorums first. There will always be people putting your work down, sometimes for your own good and sometimes they're just plain mean and sometimes both, but that does not mean that you have to take offense to it.

Cheats.lua Demo

Zaero on 12/19/2010

This is the demo of Cheats.lua script, version 2.2. The full version will (beside 2.0 features) include: -4th teleportation type: teleport to any level (you'll not loose any items you currently have!) -cheat to give yourself any number of Uplink/Repair chips -cheat to kill all the enemies of a certain class (fighter for ex.) or all enemies on the map. This will also allow you to kill allies and there'll be also a preset "class" which will allow you to finish "rescue" type missions easily. -noclip cheat -ability to choose how much ammo an ammo/weapon cheat gives you -ability to set the oxygene/life to any value -Easter Egg "W?rkncacnter mode"

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