
by W'rkncacnter

Uploaded Feb 17th, 2009


This is a map with embedded shapes and lua. There are 7 "hills" on the map, and each player or team will get a point for every hill they have control of at the end of a round. The lua HUD makes it easy to tell how much time is left in the round.

This map should be played with the netscript gametype as it has embedded lua.

Version 1.0

  • Tags: netmaps netscript
  • 2,558 downloads of latest version
  • 4.5 rating ( 4.90 weighted for sorting )

2 Reviews

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Slurring the Rhythms

effigy on Feb 24th, 2009, Version 1.0

Thanks again for another fabulously epic game type.

I mostly agree with timothy's criticisms, and with that, here's hoping for more maps that support this in the future ([hint], $lave, [/hint]).

Hosting a 6 minute game will cater to a full final round (at the default round length), though I've yet to check that it's calculated and applied to the final score. Regardless, I think it's best to get a feel for a reasonable final score, and host with a score limit.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Nice Work

timothy on Feb 19th, 2009, Version 1.0

Very fun concept. The included map has some issues with the round length. The round lasts a very long time, and the capture points are so close together that there's almost no point in playing until the last 15 seconds or so because anything you capture before that will just get taken by someone else. If the distribution of the points was less uniformly placed and some of them were harder to reach or easier to defend it might make the game more challenging. Another idea might be to disable the radar or point it to the nearest point you haven't captured. Some feedback would also be nice, such as how many points you manged to score when the round ends, and maybe showing a running total of the points you control or what everyone controls as an overlay.

It would also be great if when the game is played with a time limit and the time runs out before the end of the round, you could treat it as the end and award points based on the state of the captures at that time.

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