
3 Submissions

Cheats.lua Demo 2.2

Zaero on 12/19/2010

Screenshot titled "Goo-bye"

This is the demo of Cheats.lua script, version 2.2. The full version will (beside 2.0 features) include: -4th teleportation type: teleport to any level (you'll not loose any items you currently have!) -cheat to give yourself any number of Uplink/Repair chips -cheat to kill all the enemies of a certain class (fighter for ex.) or all enemies on the map. This will also allow you to kill allies and there'll be also a preset "class" which will allow you to finish "rescue" type missions easily. -noclip cheat -ability to choose how much ammo an ammo/weapon cheat gives you -ability to set the oxygene/life to any value -Easter Egg "W?rkncacnter mode"

Notes for version 2.2:

Those are the features available in demo: -4th teleportation type (will allow you to teleport to the first level only) -chip-cheat: confirmation massages only - to let you know it works - no chips will be added in fact -kill cheat: will kill the player

2,593 downloads, 7 reviews, 1 screenshot, 1.7 rating

Cheats.lua 2.0

Zaero on 10/27/2010

This is an improved version of treellama's fantastic cheat script. It adds: -God Mode (4 types) -Fly mode -Personal teleporter (3 types) -Unlimited ammo/oxy -Life/oxy regeneration and also a few tweaks: -ability to jump -PiD skip toggle -audiable falls

Notes for version 2.0:

First release: I would like to thank treellama very much for his amazing Cheats and No PiD scripts. Big thanks also goes to Megabyte for Jump script, parts of which I used. Unfortunately I was unable to get in touch with them so I hope they don't mind this release.

To install: just copy the script to "scripts" folder and enable it in-game in Preferences->Environment->Solo script Edit the script to read more info about the cheats (very recommended).

2,738 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.0 rating

2 Reviews

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Dis is not good.. cheats advanced v2

Zaero on Mar 26th, 2012, Version 2.6H

Let me quote some reviews from "Dis", written on the same occasion: You are an unabashed plagiarist. Treellama, at least, is a very active member of the community. If anything, you're just lazy. I wasn't even going to try this anyway, because I'm sure it sucks. I didn't even try the script, because, I'm sure it's horrible. I would have never realized what a useless, ungrateful bastard I was for not groveling at your feet after you released a script where you just copied and pasted bits from other people's scripts and added some sparse coding of your own. Furthermore, I didn't realize the sheer amount of time and effort that endeavour had cost you. You, sir, have truly opened my eyes.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Why.. oh why! HD Scenery for M1A1

Zaero on Nov 9th, 2010, Version 1.0

There are no more of such a projects? Amazing job - absolute must-have! Please DO the same for M2D/MI!