Team play made easy ! This simple lua script adds a lot of options and parameters to tune your team netplay experience. It was originaly design to help people playing team deathmatch (or any other team game) by showing the teams colors on players in a more obvious way. It's now stuffed with other options !
Code clean up. The color change is now optional and can be turned off by configuration edit. Added friendly fire management.
After Halo - Combat Evolved by Irons, this is a script made to recreate some of the experience of playing Quake 3 online
PS: For those like Goran "Mr Obvious" Svensson, this is a prank script
First public beta, some other functions may be added in future releases.
This script adds a new network survival gametype that Marathon: the ghost hunt.
As an UESC Space Marine, you are sent to seek and kill an invisible and dangerous ghost escaped from the depth of Lh'owon. It is very quick and can jump from wall to wall and, worst of all, you are nearly out of ammo!
Bug correction
Like the mml documentation was too hard to read!?
I have never played Halo on line, but now I don't need to any more thanks to that script!
(Maybe you should add some kind of epilepsy warning: this script may clearly be far too powerful for the average player)
Very nice map with a good flow and interesting height differences, especially around the "parlor" area. This is perfect for carpet bombing techniques!
However, it lacks a bit of ammo for 4 or more player games: even if there are a lot of spawn points. You should tweak a bit the "item count" item parameters to solve that.
Texturing is very very nice, except maybe for the big blue elevators. Shading is really nice too, but maybe differences are too subtle in some places (like the parlor ground)
The only real issue is with the over-complexity of the architecture which cause major slowdowns on netplays with many players. Using custom textures for your chessboard effects could really help there, especially for the "Parlor".
This pack is getting better with original map architecture.
But the texturing work (especialy in the new map) has to be improved.
For those who are wondering from what games those maps come from :
Zora's Domain : Zelda Ocarina of Time Velora Pass : Unreal Egyptian Temple : Golden Eye (N64) Arcadia : ? Anticitizen One : Half Life 2 (?)