The Last Nakh

2 Submissions

Like with the Marathon Red mml which I uploaded recently, the mml included in "" is not the same as if you were playing the original Marathon Evil.
In this case, it is very different.

For example: the assault rifle in Evil was a “MOW-MDN/36CM ASLT-WPN”, not an “MA-90E”.
Those other names have been distributed for years, ever since Aleph One SDL was a new thing … does nobody else here play with the authentic Evil mml? Pardon me if I don't know whether some other total conversion named the fists a pair of “steel manacles”, and that the person making the old mml was confused, or whether they decided to invent new names when they wrote those old mml files.

So, if you wish to play Marathon Evil with the original text strings, you'll need to completely replace the "Evil Strings.mml" file which was included in the aforementioned "" package.

When you do replace the old mml with this one, there is one more thing you'll need to do: either rename the "Music.ogg" file to "Music Accursed.ogg" or change the string with index="10". In this mml file, the strings for default filenames were made for those who have all their scenario assets together in the same folder with the Marathon Aleph One executable a-k-a app. Those of us who do so disable individual mml by moving files to a different folder where Marathon Aleph One doesn't load them. You gain more flexibility with your scenarios if you do so, and you only need to ensure that filenames do not conflict.

1,404 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 4.0 rating

I don't know if these are available elsewhere nowadays, but the copy available at "" has incomplete mml.

So, here are some mml tags to make your copy more like the original Marathon RED. A few things are changed slightly; those are marked with a <!-- --> tag.


Notes for version 2:

When previously editing this for upload, I carelessly omitted the </marathon> closure. Oops, I'm an idiot and a shame to the Nakh legacy.
Also a few small changes to blankspace or comment tags.

1,408 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 1.0 rating

3 Reviews

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

gratitude Marathon RED Addenda (fixed)

The Last Nakh on Sep 9th, 2022, Version 3

Hey, thank you for editing this. I last used my copy with an old Aleph One, so I didn't know that it doesn't run with newer builds. Or, maybe when I changed the indentation for my upload, I made some mistakes; that is more likely…

Either way, thank you!

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Good textures Feral Map-pack

The Last Nakh on Jul 17th, 2020, Version 0.1

I'll edit this review when I am able to do a thorough trial of this.

For now — and at the risk of abusing a review: The textures are done well. I would recommend to the author either that they develop a scenario which makes good use of these aesthetics, from this and from Frolic, or that they release all their textures alone for others to build upon.

Review of the mapmaking is forthcoming.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Didn't try this, but I approve Kate - Female Bob Shapes

The Last Nakh on Jul 15th, 2020, Version 1.0

I'm one of those who remembers the scantily clad female BoBs done for M1.
I think the Orphanage had some female BoBs too, but I might be remembering incorrectly — I'm probably remembering this, in fact. Is my memory getting as bad as HS now? ;-)

Anyways, as the header of this review said, I didn't try these and so cannot comment on how well the sprites are animated. Therefore, I cannot in good conscience rate it at a 5.
I do, however, approve of the attempt: unlike the bikini sprites, this is not a joke and could be used in a serious scenario.
Well done, Loren.

Furthermore, I'm not complaining about the name not being an acronym because I get the joke. 8-)