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  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Good potential... POWERS

Enzo03 on Feb 1st, 2009, Version 1.0

It was nice to use, but the only major use I could find for the powers themselves (as they were meant to be used) was... Throwing enemies into giant flaming pools of lava! This gets old after awhile. Also, they tend to be very deadly. They take out even the toughest enemies quickly, including the Juggernauts!

I DO enjoy being able to push and pull myself by aiming my POWERS at scenery objects, provided they do not break. This is one area I see potential for an interesting level... perhaps one specifically designed for this script that may require something like aiming your POWERS at objects in order to reach otherwise impassible areas.

I did come across a problem, though. If I aim my POWERS at an enemy unit, provided they do not die quickly, I can push them until their head is stuck in the ceiling... usually around this time I get an error on the top corner of my screen, but I'm still allowed to play exactly as normal, so that's not a problem, hopefully.

I cannot help but wonder how this will turn out to be in the end.