• Currently 5/5 Stars.

Good Shizzle

Dugit on Aug 28th, 2011, Version 1.0

Although all the maps are sound, my favorite by far was Megalomania, and my least favorite- by far- was Hollow Void. But anyway.

None of the maps have even small nitpicks, other than one or two places where the 0.5x0.5 WU water light texture was on small raised portions of the floor, and, in the middle of a netgame, I thought they were teleporters. Ah well.

Good stuff, here.


RyokoTK on 02/07/2021

50 multiplayer maps.

Six new maps: Exordium, BMT Division, Metropolis Part II, Phoebe Station, Weight of the World, Impostor Syndrome

There's also bug fixes.

5,952 downloads, 6 reviews, 14 screenshots, 5.0 rating