• Currently 5/5 Stars.


Dugit on Aug 18th, 2011, Version 1.0

Not only are the maps playable and excellently laid out, the flow is without flaw and the lighting, if I'm not mistaken, has been redone to proper aesthetic standard, which is a neat touch.

Toolator, by far, is the funnest map of the two.

SL Maps

Sharkie Lino on 10/08/2016

SL Maps is a net pack for infinity consisting of levels from Infinity, M2, and others that have been modified, usually for additions or better flow, or remade.

Proper Credits

The levels listed below in this pack come from Quick Six and were originally created by Treellama.

Age of Aquarius. Incontinental Divide.

3,847 downloads, 12 reviews, 5 screenshots, 3.6 rating