• Currently 3/5 Stars.

getting there

irons on Jun 20th, 2007, Version 1.0

Good work so far, but I, like Treellama, have a few things to say. First of all, The main page map order doesn't really seem to have any set pattern. I think it would benefit from some organization, and perhaps truncating or eliminating the summary (from the front-page) altogether--this would save space and make the page less confusing.

I know searching is coming soon, so I won't talk any more about that. The only other miscellany I can think of right now is that version numbers on files since the 1.0 release have gotten messed up. For example, in JUICE, Treellama actually rated v1.1, while Ryoko was the one who rated v1.0, but they are swapped.


Switch on 06/24/2023

Simplici7y is a file sharing web application for the Aleph One community. Originally written in with Ruby on Rails 1.0 and hosted alongside The Pfhorums, Simplici7y is now a Django 4 Application deployed to Heroku from Github.

The project is named after a 7-polygon mapping challenge, which focuses on doing more with less.

When Fileball suffered downtime in early 2007, Jon Irons saw the need to fill the gap as soon as possible. He came to me with his idea for a new project. Jon's support was fundamental to the development and successful launch of Simplici7y, and I consider this project his as much as it is mine.

Simplici7y came online on the second anniversary of The Pfhorums. After Fileball was destroyed in a fire, S7 became the de facto place to publish. In the 16 years it has been online, there have been over 12 million downloads, 600 items and 1,400 reviews.

4,715 downloads, 3 reviews, 4 screenshots, 2.3 rating