The Works

by icedham

Uploaded Oct 21st, 2009 for Marathon Infinity


This is the first map I have put up ont he internet and I am not that great at making maps, so I need some comments on how to make it better. This not a multilayer map it is a single player one. I like to see Pfhor and Bobs go at it and kill each other for some reason so I created The Works for that purpose. The game might get a little laggy because there are a lot of objects.

Version v1.0

  • 2,078 downloads of latest version
  • 5.0 rating ( 5.25 weighted for sorting )

1 Review

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Good, good.

HIVEMIND on Dec 21st, 2009, Version v1.0

Very solid, love how you can just go in different rooms, pick up a weapon, and just mow down enemies. The only thing I didn't like is that the BOBs just decided to go on without me and kill the Pfhor and whatnot. I ended up killing them before they got out the door along with their comrades just so I could play the whole thing because they left almost nothing for me. Also, make the enemies respawn, I like continuous gameplay. That is the reason I like Envy's map Citadel: It's a large map with retarded BOBs and big amounts of enemies.

5 Screenshots


Screenshot titled "pic1"


Screenshot titled "pic2"


Screenshot titled "pic3"


Screenshot titled "pic4"


Screenshot titled "pic5"