• Currently 4/5 Stars.

Great level design, tiresome combat (seconded)

Mazaro on Oct 30th, 2014, Version 1.2.1

I grow weary of levels which the creators have made 'hard' just by souping up the enemy's abilities until they do absurd amounts of damage, and constantly ambushing the player with enemies teleporting in from random locations.

The architecture is absolutely gorgeous but I think this scenario is likely impossible on total carnage. This one I'd actually enjoy more on a difficult lower than normal, and I usually play on Major Damage.

Marathon Phoenix

RyokoTK on 04/06/2024

A 35-level single player major conversion.

This scenario is difficult and action-packed; it features a full arsenal of new, powerful weapons, and more threatening enemies than you could ever want.

1.4 has new Lua features like a performance overlay, weapon buffs, a lot of little bug fixes; it also applies ammo capacity limits on Total Carnage. Requires Aleph One 1.5 or newer, probably!

21,901 downloads, 41 reviews, 21 screenshots, 4.5 rating