Marathon 1 Redux

by liacrow

Uploaded Jul 30th, 2019 for Marathon


Weekly updates on Github:

A project to give Marathon 1 a facelift, incorporating the new features of Aleph One to flesh out and add realism to the Marathon's architecture. Eventually, to include a branching storyline- possibly even missions on the colony moon.

Featuring Marathon 1 with lua scripting, liquids, ambient sound, new weapons, more scenery, improved sprites, expanded architecture, new terms & terminal art, and the latest HD plugins. Also including Craig Hardgrove's soundtrack, you can visit his page over at !

At this point M1R should contain a complete, playable, almost bug-free recreation of M1, however, I still consider this an alpha as there are many more features and levels to come, and other features present that will be cut.

To contribute to this project, download it and read the "Help Wanted.txt" and/or TODO.txt," or head over to the Pfhorums where the lists and discussion are posted:

WINDOWS USERS PLEASE NOTE Marathon 1 Redux's extensive HD and 3D assets may cause 32-bit builds of Aleph One to crash immediately upon starting a game. To resolve this issue, you will have to experiment with turning off plugins or reducing texture replacement resolution to taste.

Version 0.0.13-alpha

  • Starting a new game now brings you directly to Arrival, rather than skipping though unfinished prologues
  • Currently unplayable levels are hidden from the level-select dialogue
  • Lua scripting is finding its way to several levels to control special events and functions
  • 3D models fixed so they no longer cause clipping & bloom problems, and distort less on pulsating textures
  • New texture variants, bringing the total number to 386! (including landscapes and animation frames)
  • Most levels updated to greater and lesser degrees to take advantage of the new textures
  • AI variant terminal textures applied to every terminal - e.g., a Leela terminal says LEELA on it in-world
  • Differentiated solid and liquid lava, and to a lesser degree, goo
  • New epilogue level (thanks to Pfhorrest for letting me re-use some Eternal geometry)
  • A new defensive twist to Pfhoraphobia to balance out its new Lua scripting
  • Updates to Arrival, The Rose, Welcome to the Revolution, Try Again, Beware of Low-Flying Defence Drones
  • The first Pfhor terminal
  • Pfhor fighter sprites optimised for bloom
  • Revised Vidmaster's Oath
  • Newly spawned players start with plot-appropriate weapons, at the expense of ammo
  • Low resolution fallback if you disable the 3072p landscape plugin
  • Lots of bugfixes in general, thank you to everyone who reported problems!
  • Much saner organisation overall
  • Probably more because it's been 9 months since 0.0.12!

Known bugs A mutant pfhor teleports into space and BoBs clog corridors in the epilogue level, both fixed in weelky release Flamethrower is wonky *Player's light is too dark, fixed in weekly release

  • Tags: scenario solocoop m1a1
  • 2,612 downloads of latest version
  • 4.2 rating ( 4.95 weighted for sorting )

4 Reviews

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Awsome except for

NovusXcell on Dec 19th, 2022, Version 0.0.13-alpha

I love the marathon 1 Redux and giving bobs a attack except for one small thing I hate the walls are way to dark other than that great game.

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Whole new game

Ribye99 on Sep 8th, 2021, Version 0.0.13-alpha

Genuinely one of the best M1 mods I have ever played. The updated graphics are great, but the changes to some of the levels are what really make this thing for me. Using some weapons from Eternal is a great touch, they fit right into the base game. The epilogue level is very cool, great reference to Eternal and really gives the game some much needed closure. Such a blast replaying the original game in this new light!

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Marathon 1 Redux

ankaniluzubal on Sep 4th, 2019, Version 0.0.13-alpha

This redux is awesome. Waouh.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.


thedoctor45 on Jan 30th, 2018, Version 0.0.4 alpha

Revising the original Marathon with improved story/terminal art and leveldesign to accomodate Aleph Ones new features is a great idea and all but I think releasing this as a buggy Alpha version is hardly beneficial for anyone.

9 Screenshots

New animations

Screenshot titled "New animations"

Reimagined architecture

Screenshot titled "Reimagined architecture"

Alien weapons for use in liquid environments

Screenshot titled "Alien weapons for use in liquid environments"

Teleporting items and aliens

Screenshot titled "Teleporting items and aliens"

External vistas

Screenshot titled "External vistas"

New terminals

Screenshot titled "New terminals"

reimagined architecture

Screenshot titled "reimagined architecture"

Epilogue level

Screenshot titled "Epilogue level"

New textures

Screenshot titled "New textures"