Liver and Onions

by cassis

Uploaded Jan 5th, 2023 for Marathon Infinity


Liver and Onions is a collection of maps I originally made for an unreleased scenario called hellpak

Levels are divided into three chapters, normal combat, platforming and explosive jumps and mandatory explosive jump combat, accessible from a hub. They are also marked in the vidstart menu which I encourage you to use since many levels start difficult sections without a pattern buffer.

Keep in mind chapters do not proceed in order of difficulty, the last few levels of the normal combat chapter are some of the hardest in the scenario.

These levels were created as either niche gameplay experiments, glitch exhibitions or injokes. I am mainly releasing them to vid some of them but if anyone else enjoys these I would be happy.

Version 2

Aaron properly credited, level 4 appears in level skip dialog

1 Screenshot