• Currently 4/5 Stars.

A Long Awaited Update

$lave on Dec 27th, 2010, Version 1.1

Immediately after downloading the pack I played through the majority of the maps on the metaserver. I liked this pack when I first reviewed it, and I like it more now.

As far as I can tell all the issues with ammo/weapons were fixed, although the majority of the games I played were duels so I'm not sure if there is enough ammo for larger groups. The script you used to start each player with an AR and SMG, which helps.

None of the maps are overly detailed, but where they do use more detail they use it very well. Almost all the maps are able to maintain visual interest for me through the general geometry and good use of shading and texturing. The one map I still find relatively bland is Lotus Blossoms & Water Lilies, though there is also a specific section in Wildest Hour of Tragedy which is a bit of an eyesore. For the most part each of the texture sets was used just how it should be, though you are notably stronger with the jjaro set.

I have never encountered any problems with the flow, and enjoyed playing through each of the maps. Where detail is used it is kept out of the way of the player, and at no point did any of the maps feel cluttered.

My only problem with the pack now is that there isn't quite enough variation in the maps. Although some are stronger than others, many feel like variations of the same map.

Finally, I'd like to thank you for the update, it is appreciated.

12 Infinity Net Maps

?Nothing showed off scale, beyond the Nerve Compression hanging in the edge of Danger. But he could not worry about the Nerve-box. That always came through cranching."

  • from Scanners Live in Vain by Cordwainer Smith, 1950

3,069 downloads, 8 reviews, 16 screenshots, 3.5 rating