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A Great Idea...

AN1Guitarman on Sep 11th, 2011, Version 1.0

the problem i find with S7 is that everyone here has a very closed mind when it comes to map making. not to say there advice is bad. but take it for what it is. you map to me is a great concept, but you need more details and intricacies. make sure that there are only a few dead ends (as i see that it is fitting to your theme, otherwise i would say no dead ends) it's good to have great flow so the game can stay fast-paced. so if you added more pathways and weapons this map would be awesome! and remember to balance your weapons and have them fit your enviornment, ex: a map with tight spaces (not bad on it's own) may not need a missile launcher. one would blow himself/herself up. i would love to see the updated version of this map!! and no, you don't have to get rid of the tight spaces, everyone here are afraid of: Tight spaces, dark areas, monsters, deathtraps, open lava pits, and anything else that takes a little bit of skill to overcome. so go you!

This is my first map i'll ever release to the public i hope everyone of you that download it will enjoy it as i and the people that that tested it! Have fun! Sincerely Mavy <3

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