• Currently 5/5 Stars.


eisnerguy1 on Apr 18th, 2018, Version 1.000000000000001

Essential for old-school fans.

Coriolis Loop

irons on 11/26/2008

Double Aught's classic netmap pack hasn't been changed at all, except that I've made it into "Unimap" format and zipped the file, making it easier for more modern operating systems to use.

NOTE that the version you can download from Simplici7y will not work with old films recorded forever ago in the good old days. These sure as hell aren't the good old days. If you're trying to view an old film and Aleph One complains that it can't find the map file, get the original file here.

3,318 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.7 rating