• Currently 1/5 Stars.

entertain the ungrateful community

Dugit on Dec 20th, 2010, Version 2.2

I tried the script, and I'm going to tell it how it is. No malicious spikes or prods specifically designed to 'undermine' with a malice of forethought. Just facts, basically ignoring the reasons given in the unnecessary readme.

The functions were too lacking to actually be enjoyable, namely the function of most games. I mean, the 'confirmation that you could have another clip (but aren't getting one because I hate you)', the 'rage kill myself' and the 'waste my time' functions are a bit free-radical and maybe should be combined with other real cheats to serve a good purpo... oh. Wait.

Anyway, at least you showed some kind of enthusiasm and put in some kind of effort into this little item and that deserves a pinch of 'meh', anyway. Keep trying with content creation and don't be such an arse about it.

Cheats.lua Demo

Zaero on 12/19/2010

This is the demo of Cheats.lua script, version 2.2. The full version will (beside 2.0 features) include: -4th teleportation type: teleport to any level (you'll not loose any items you currently have!) -cheat to give yourself any number of Uplink/Repair chips -cheat to kill all the enemies of a certain class (fighter for ex.) or all enemies on the map. This will also allow you to kill allies and there'll be also a preset "class" which will allow you to finish "rescue" type missions easily. -noclip cheat -ability to choose how much ammo an ammo/weapon cheat gives you -ability to set the oxygene/life to any value -Easter Egg "W?rkncacnter mode"

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