
Tagged 'Script'

Joust 5.0

irons on 02/07/2011

Screenshot titled "ACTUAL GAMEPLAY"

This is an attempt to mimic the gameplay of the old Joust arcade game. Players fly around maps and collide with each other to score kills. More detailed instructions await you in the README.

Notes for version 5.0:

This is the fifth attempt at a total Joust rewrite. Compatible with the latest version of Aleph One. Can be played on the EMFH, KOTH, and KTMWTB gametypes.

2,579 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.3 rating

Cheats.lua Demo 2.2

Zaero on 12/19/2010

Screenshot titled "Goo-bye"

This is the demo of Cheats.lua script, version 2.2. The full version will (beside 2.0 features) include: -4th teleportation type: teleport to any level (you'll not loose any items you currently have!) -cheat to give yourself any number of Uplink/Repair chips -cheat to kill all the enemies of a certain class (fighter for ex.) or all enemies on the map. This will also allow you to kill allies and there'll be also a preset "class" which will allow you to finish "rescue" type missions easily. -noclip cheat -ability to choose how much ammo an ammo/weapon cheat gives you -ability to set the oxygene/life to any value -Easter Egg "W?rkncacnter mode"

Notes for version 2.2:

Those are the features available in demo: -4th teleportation type (will allow you to teleport to the first level only) -chip-cheat: confirmation massages only - to let you know it works - no chips will be added in fact -kill cheat: will kill the player

2,455 downloads, 7 reviews, 1 screenshot, 1.7 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a script demonstrating a simple turret AI using .lua and scenery objects. You can turn all lights, some other scenery (just look for something that could look anything at all like a turret) into turrets by pressing the action key next to them (don't worry how close you are to it in height.)

2,306 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Statistics Lua 1.0

treellama on 09/07/2010

Screenshot titled ""

By request of Goran, Statistics.lua tracks the accuracy, damage dealt per minute, and total damage taken for each player.

Statistics.lua works as either a solo or a net script.

2,289 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Greek Temple"

A zip file version of the old 3D Examples from the early days of Aleph One. Includes a plugin containing 3D models of columns and lights, and two maps for trying it out. Files originally created by "binhqx", and still available in .sit form here

2,451 downloads, 5 reviews, 2 screenshots, 4.2 rating

Dropship.lua 1.03

RAITHE on 08/03/2010

Screenshot titled "Flying, with drones still killing BoBs"

README file: "What is one important asset to an invasion? A dropship! Invade any UNMERGED map with this script: Dropship.lua! (It won't work properly if the map is merged. If you really want to invade an merged map, you can split it using Atque). You can deploy up to 2 different types of units, which you can order to attack any enemy by 'shooting' the enemy monster (make sure you have fists out). NOTE: Your units can be distracted before they fire at their given target A dropship is also supposed to be able to fly. Press the "previous weapon" and "next weapon" buttons (for those I use Q and E since I control with WASD) to adjust the speed to reverse or forward (given in the upper left-hand corner) and the microphone button to activate the thrusters (recommended to set the caps lock key as the microphone button). Thrusters: when you have thrusters on, you are capable of flying around as you please, but you cannot use the cannon. When you have thrusters off, you are air-braked and cannot move anywhere, but you can operate the cannon and your health will charge up. NOTE: you will always know when you have the cannon as your current weapon if the weapons HUD is blank. you cannon switch from it (for whatever reason) until you activate thrusters again. To select which unit to deploy, press the toggle map button. The unit that is currently able to be deployed (by pressing the action button) is indicated on the top middle of the screen. To recall your units, press the alt-fire button. NOTE: once again, your units can be distracted by enemies before they get to you. The current cost for Hunter-Seekers is 500 credits, and 525 for the Drone Brute. You gain credits by killing enemies or from your units killing them. You cannot have more than 5000 credits. All in all, the credit system will be a bit choppy until I can figure how to fix it better.

Notes for version 1.03:

Fixed the invisible unit bug. All the troops you deploy should be visible now. The only things I will possibly work on now is the deceleration and credit flow (and more troops maybe). You guys welcome to customize the troops and change them to your own liking in the physics model. They are the minor and major ticks. I also noticed that if you launch a game twice in Aleph One with the script, the script will not work properly. I don't know why this is, but I DO know that it works just fine if you quit and reopen Aleph One. (IMPORTANT: Make sure you that your CAPS LOCK is off before the game starts.)

2,190 downloads, 5 reviews, 2 screenshots, 3.6 rating

Cheats.lua 1.0

elitesoldier on 07/16/2010

Screenshot titled "Use of Cheats.lua in Marathon Phoenix."

ReadMe has information. To find it you could also find it in the Aleph one.dmg Extras file, also i didn't create this .lua file but i want to share it with others.

Notes for version 1.0:


3,012 downloads, 5 reviews, 1 screenshot, 1.2 rating

(playable with every gametype)

my first file which overpowers the players weaponary, here are the changes I made: pistols: shoots rockets, fusion: no change, Shotgun: single weild and shoots grenades. AR:100 bullets and 2 grenades, SMG:no changes, Flamer: no changes, Missile launcher: shoots one rocket(makes rocket launcher feel more modern), alien gun: shoots staff bolts that can launch an enemy upwards if aimed at the right spot, most effective at close range.

Notes for version 1.0:

None available, first physics file. I am a terrible mapper so i will not upload maps.

2,445 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Quake 3 lua 0.1b

Vladtepes on 03/02/2010

Screenshot titled "Quake 3 lua"

After Halo - Combat Evolved by Irons, this is a script made to recreate some of the experience of playing Quake 3 online

PS: For those like Goran "Mr Obvious" Svensson, this is a prank script

Notes for version 0.1b:

First public beta, some other functions may be added in future releases.

2,529 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Rockets in Paradise"

If your favorite net maps are SPNKR Diarena, Marathon Rocket Arena, and RED, you will love this script. All weapons are changed into rocket launchers, and all ammo is changed into rockets.

Works both as a net script and a solo script.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixes ammo respawn problems, fixes starting weapons, requires Aleph One 0.23

2,265 downloads, 5 reviews, 1 screenshot, 3.0 rating

Damage 1.0

Megabyte on 01/03/2010

In this script, the scoring method is changed so that every time you deal damage, you gain points. Kills and deaths do not award points. Watch out and don't damage yourself because it will take away points and suicides usually hurt more than help you.

Just select it when hosting and set netscript as your gametype.

2,221 downloads, 3 reviews, 0 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Height as Some Feature dirac delta function

ray on 08/29/2009

Height as Some Feature is a script pack that will be released incrementally from RAY LABORATORIES.

NOTE: This script pack will only be released on forward-thinking sites like Simplici7y, not sites run by the obstructionists of the Marathon community.

Notes for version dirac delta function:

This version contains:


2,453 downloads, 5 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Almost There..."

A terminal/pattern buffer themed loading screen for M1A1. I think it will also work for any other scenario too.

Notes for version 1.1:

Fixed alignment issue with the load bar.

2,858 downloads, 2 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Superscalar 1.0

timothy on 02/18/2009

Screenshot titled "In this example, I won by targeting effigy, who was easier to kill. Had we been using Superscalar, effigy would have been doing 300% damage to me by the end of the game, while taking only 33% of the normal damage."

Superscalar is designed to level the playing field, giving inexperienced players an advantage while increasing the difficulty for regular players. No more will you have to hold back or intentionally miss when playing guests.

The script determines the difference in score between each player, and adjusts the amount of damage they inflict on each other accordingly. The player in the lead will do less damage per shot, while the other one does more.

The damage scale is calculated per player, so equally skilled players should generally do equal damage. Damage scales quickly as the point difference increases. This can be modified as needed by editing the scale numbers at the top of the script.

Host using one of the standard gametypes like Every Man for Himself or King of the Hill. Do not host using the Netscript gametype.

Bonus: I've included Host_Advantage.lua in the package. I attribute all of my success last year to this script, but now that I can't really host anymore there's no point in keeping all the fun to myself.

2,489 downloads, 2 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.5 rating

Ghost 0.55

Vladtepes on 02/09/2009

This script adds a new network survival gametype that Marathon: the ghost hunt.

As an UESC Space Marine, you are sent to seek and kill an invisible and dangerous ghost escaped from the depth of Lh'owon. It is very quick and can jump from wall to wall and, worst of all, you are nearly out of ammo!

Notes for version 0.55:

Bug correction

2,481 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Same color team"

Team play made easy ! This simple lua script adds a lot of options and parameters to tune your team netplay experience. It was originaly design to help people playing team deathmatch (or any other team game) by showing the teams colors on players in a more obvious way. It's now stuffed with other options !

Notes for version 0.2:

Code clean up. The color change is now optional and can be turned off by configuration edit. Added friendly fire management.

2,504 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.5 rating

Quantum of Lua 150.svn

timothy on 12/23/2008

A small collection of Lua experiments you probably shouldn't host.

Notes for version 150.svn:

2 small bug fixes.

New Scripts:

Spawn_Kamping.lua - Players respawn with 3x health and a rocket launcher. Kill them within 10 seconds to score bonus points. Each second after they spawn players lose 10% of their extra health and are worth one less point. Who should you target? You'll know by the color of their shirts.

Homing_Rockets.lua - Now it's even easier to home in on your enimies. Just aim in their general direction and wait for the sound that tells you it's time to fire. But be careful. It's hard to maintain a lock at a large distance and if you hear the juggernaut then find something to hide behind.


Fly-by-wire rockets can now be disabled by individuals.

Quantum Loched King of the Hill displays carnage report as time.

2,549 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 4.0 rating

Spawn Whiners 1.0

treellama on 12/05/2008

Use these scripts when people whine about spawn kills.

Spawn\_Blinking.lua: players blink for 10 seconds after spawning, or until they get a weapon, so you know who (not) to kill

Spawn\_Invincible.lua: players are invincible for 10 seconds after spawning, or until they get a weapon

Spawn\_With\_AR.lua: everyone spawns with an AR and some ammo

2,307 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Munitions Disposal.lua 1.1

ray on 10/23/2008

Finally, the new gametype craze taking the metaserver by storm is released!

MUNITIONS DISPOSAL, the latest gametype out of Ray Laboratories, is as simple as it is fun: fire weapons to gain points. Gives a new meaning to "Never Stop Firing"!

Notes for version 1.1:

Ray Laboratories does it again with this must-have update to the original smash hit!

2,489 downloads, 7 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.4 rating

The number one comment I hear when hosting the Co-Op 2.0 Lua script is, "I really miss the old script."

Now, with the Co-Op 2.0 - 1.0 Edition script, those players will feel right at home.

This modified script spawns players with full health. By default, players will be "slaved" to the host's beacon, simplifying the teleport system for new players. The HUD elements from the original script also return, showing deaths, kills, and enemies remaining. While in the map view, helpful text explains how to set beacons, change targets, and initiate a teleport. Also, this script crashes more often.

2,490 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating